Medical Terminology

  1. 2. membranes cover brain and spinal cord
  2. 3. analgesic reduces
  3. 7. adrenal cortex produces
  4. 9. repair of joint
  5. 10. adrenal glands are located near
  6. 12. mind
  7. 15. part of the brain controlling the pituitary
  8. 16. the endocrine system is made up of
  9. 17. white matter
  10. 18. what happens with syncope
  1. 1. transmits energy across a synapse
  2. 4. middle ossicle of the ear
  3. 5. color of unmyelinated tissue
  4. 6. estrogen is secreted by
  5. 8. otogenic disorder originating in the
  6. 11. nearsightedness
  7. 13. smell
  8. 14. the system the thymus gland acts as part of
  9. 16. from excessive growth hormone