Medical Terminology

  1. 2. pertaining to below abdomen
  2. 3. respiration pain
  3. 8. pertaining to heart
  4. 9. red cavity
  5. 12. causing death within liver
  6. 14. heart specialist
  7. 17. skull pain
  8. 18. small nose pain
  9. 19. painful stomach condition
  10. 20. condition of excess blood
  1. 1. tumor through bronchi
  2. 4. instrument to visually examine without chest
  3. 5. small chest pain
  4. 6. fast excision
  5. 7. around the lungs disease
  6. 10. against short process
  7. 11. lymph germ
  8. 13. no vein tumor
  9. 15. stomach inflammation
  10. 16. heart surgical removal