Medical terminology

  1. 6. A type of culture used to test whopping cough and other upper respiratory tract infections
  2. 10. The phase of the heart cycle where the heart is in a relaxation phase
  3. 11. A suffix meaning craving or loving
  4. 12. Abbreviation for the test used to diagnose diabetes mellitus
  5. 13. A suffix that references the blood or to a presence in the blood
  6. 14. Abbreviation for diagnosis
  7. 15. The abbreviated form for a collection test where you look for microorganism in the blood
  8. 17. This prefix means outer or on top of
  9. 18. Abbreviated name for the time it takes to complete a test in a lab
  10. 20. This suffix means destruction
  11. 22. A prefix meaning artery
  12. 23. A type of specimen test used to test for blood in the stool
  1. 1. Root word meaning red
  2. 2. The abbreviation for a test that records electrical signals from the heart
  3. 3. A prefix meaning bone
  4. 4. A suffix denoting suffering or disease
  5. 5. A word that means "after a meal" usually done for blood glucose tests.
  6. 6. This abbreviation means "nothing by mouth"
  7. 7. A prefix meaning many
  8. 8. A prefix meaning against or opposite
  9. 9. The short form of the word for when you determine the amount of the different blood cell types
  10. 15. A prefix meaning uniformity or appropriateness
  11. 16. Suffix meaning growth or tumour
  12. 19. A root meaning a blood clot
  13. 21. A word meaning immediately and will be seen for blood tests ordered by physicians
  14. 24. Abbreviation for the word Cancer