- 2. recording of various aspects of sleep to diagnose sleep disorders
- 7. a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest
- 8. a preoccupation with thoughts of disease and concern that one is suffering from a serious condition that persists despite medical reassurance to the contrary
- 11. inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord caused by a virus, often resulting in spinal and muscle deformity and paralysis
- 14. any of many types of loss of neurologic function involving interpretation of sensory information
- 17. abnormal sensation of numbness and tingling without objective cause
- 18. pain along the course of a nerve
- 19. paralysis
- 20. fainting
- 23. a psychologic condition in which anxiety is prominent
- 24. impairment of speech production and inability to arrange words in an understandable way
- 26. inability to locate a sensation properly, such as inability to locate a point touched on the body
- 27. inflammation involving two or more nerves, often caused by a nutritional deficiency, such as lack of thiamine
- 29. shallow groves that separate gyri
- 30. inability to judge the form of an object by touch (e.g. a coin from a key)
- 1. control center for the ANS located near the pituitary gland
- 3. paralysis on one side of the body
- 4. a mental condition characterized by distortion of reality resulting in the inability to communicate or function within one's enviroment
- 5. convulsions (mounds) of the cerebral hemispheres
- 6. paralysis of all four limbs
- 9. increased sensitivity to stimulation such as tough or pain
- 10. deep grooves in the brain
- 12. an exaggerated, unfounded feeling of well-being
- 13. partial paralysis of the right or left half of the body
- 15. surgical repair of a nerve
- 16. a restless, dissatisfied mood
- 21. x-ray record of the spinal cord made visible with a radiopaque contrast medium
- 22. paralysis from the waist down
- 25. state of abnormal elation and increased activity
- 28. excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra