- 2. creation of an opening; a surgical proedure connecting two previously unconnected hollow tubes
- 4. surgical removal of the duodenum
- 7. surgical removal of the liver
- 9. inflammation of the jejunum and ileum
- 11. breaking of a tooth
- 15. inflammation of the stomach and intestines
- 16. specialist in straightening teeth
- 17. paralysis of the tounge
- 18. record of the bile (gall) bladder
- 20. puncture of the abdomen (usually for the purpose of withdrawing fluid)
- 24. procedure for looking inside the esophagus
- 25. incision into the (common) bile duct
- 27. inflammation of the gums
- 1. softening of the stomach
- 3. creation of an opening between (common) bile duct and the intestines
- 5. creation of an opening between the stomach and intestines
- 6. surgical reconstruction of the tongue
- 8. procedure for looking at the colon
- 10. suture of the intestines
- 12. stone in the pancreas
- 13. overdevelopment of bumps on the tongue, making the tongue appear to be hairy
- 14. surgical removal of gum tissue
- 18. inflammation of the bile (gall) bladder
- 19. instrument for looking at the stomach
- 21. inflammation of the ileum and colon
- 22. cancerous tumor of the liver
- 23. tumor of the bile vessels (ducts)
- 26. branch of medicine dealing with teeth