Medical Terminology: Chapter 6

  1. 4. hardening of the bony tissue in the ear
  2. 7. the surgical procedure to reconstruct the tympanic membrane and/or the auditory ossicles
  3. 8. PE stands for ________________
  4. 13. the larger of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear
  5. 15. a disorder of the internal ear resulting from excessive buildup of endolymph, causing episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, and hearing loss; named after Prosper _____________
  6. 18. process of measuring hearing
  7. 20. surgical repair of the external ear
  8. 23. ear ___________ is the introduction of a medicated solution into the external canal
  9. 25. the spiral organ AKA the organ of _______ is the structure in the cochlea which contains hair cells that receive vibrations and generate nerve impulses for hearing
  10. 27. the malleus, incus, and __________ are the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear in that order; AKA stirrup
  11. 28. An acoustic neuroma is also known as a vestibular ___________
  12. 29. hearing impairment in old age
  13. 30. this root words means a tube
  1. 1. _________________ hearing loss is a hearing impairment caused by lesions of dysfunction on the cochlea or cochlear (auditory) nerve
  2. 2. the smaller of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear
  3. 3. _______ window is a membrane that covers the opening between the middle ear and internal ear
  4. 5. this is another term for the incus or middle of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
  5. 6. excision of the stapes to correct otosclerosis
  6. 9. instrument for examining the ear
  7. 10. otalgia and otodynia both mean __________
  8. 11. ____________ media is inflammation of the ear from changes in atmospheric pressure
  9. 12. myring/o and tympan/o are root words that means _______________
  10. 14. the T in ENT stands for
  11. 16. an ear lavage is the ______________ of the external ear canal
  12. 17. a drug that blocks the effects of histamine
  13. 19. fluid within the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear
  14. 21. The fluid that fills the bony labyrinth of the internal ear
  15. 22. a hearing condition would end with -___________
  16. 24. (BAEP) brainstem auditory evoked ___________ is electrodiagnostic testing that uses computerized equipment to measure involuntary responses to sound within the auditory nervous system
  17. 26. a waxy substance secreted by glands located throughout the external canal