Medical Terminology Crossword

  1. 2. A person who specializes in the blood.
  2. 5. Pertaining to a slow heart beat.
  3. 6. Inflammation of the skin.
  4. 10. Procedure to surgically look into the joints.
  5. 11. An enlarged liver.
  6. 12. Condition of too many blood cells.
  7. 13. Another name for a runny nose.
  8. 16. Painful or difficulty with urination.
  9. 17. Surgical removal of the kidney..
  10. 19. One who specializes in disorders of the heart.
  11. 20. Specialist for women.
  1. 1. Pertaining to water in the head.
  2. 3. Person who specializes in the skin.
  3. 4. A person who treats problems with the stomach.
  4. 7. Pain in a muscle
  5. 8. Hardening of the arteries.
  6. 9. Surgical removal of the uterus.
  7. 14. Paralysis on half of the body.
  8. 15. Inflammation of the gums.
  9. 18. A picture of the breast used to look for abnormal findings.