- 2. blood in urine
- 5. yellowish discoloration of the skin
- 6. after an operation
- 9. red blood cell
- 11. low blood pressure
- 12. away from the trunk (extremities only)
- 13. fast or rapid heart rate
- 15. for prevention
- 20. pertaining to the front
- 22. towards the bottom
- 24. study or science of life
- 26. closer to the trunk (extremities only)
- 27. under the tongue
- 29. disease arising by itself or from an unknown cause
- 31. main words or parts to which prefixes and suffixes can be added
- 33. without breathing
- 34. hip region
- 35. inflammation of the pancreas
- 37. metatarsal pain
- 39. sleep seizure
- 41. a syllable or word placed at the beginning of a word
- 42. pertaining to the back
- 44. towards the top
- 45. two sides
- 46. plane that cuts body into top and bottom
- 48. towards the midline
- 49. one eye
- 1. plane that cuts the body into left and right
- 3. cancerous tumor of connective tissue
- 4. study of the elderly
- 7. inflammation to the intestine
- 8. high blood pressure
- 10. slow heart rate
- 14. surgical removal of the appendix
- 16. double vision
- 17. pertaining to a vein
- 18. disease of blood vessels
- 19. plane that cuts body into front and back (also called coronal plane)
- 21. terms used in medicine that are named after people, places, or things.
- 23. before an operation
- 25. cutting into the skull
- 28. away from the midline
- 30. low blood pressure
- 32. less than normal amounts of urine
- 36. not poisonous
- 37. muscle pain
- 38. a syllable or word placed at the end of a word
- 40. abnormal enlargement of the spleen
- 43. pertaining to the lungs
- 47. above the stomach