Medical Terminology Crossword

  1. 6. The absence of oxygen
  2. 7. Malignant tumor of the liver
  3. 11. Bluish discoloration of the skin
  4. 13. Disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness
  5. 14. Process of building large proteins from small protein pieces (amino acids)
  6. 16. Unknown
  7. 18. Painful sexual intercourse
  8. 20. Tumor of a gland
  9. 23. Paralysis of all four extremities
  10. 24. A benign tumor of fatty tissue
  11. 25. Supportive tissue of the organs
  12. 28. Surgical removal of plaque from the inner layer of an artery
  13. 29. Acute Inflammation and infection of alveoli
  14. 30. Infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  15. 34. Inflammation usually caused by bacteria
  16. 35. Inflammation of the skin
  17. 37. Flashes of pain radiating along the course of the trigeminal nerve
  18. 38. Inflammation of the lining of the renal pelvis and renal parenchyma
  19. 39. Pertaining to the nucleus
  20. 40. A malignant tumor of the bone marrow
  1. 1. Nitrogenous waste product excreted in urine
  2. 2. Partial paralysis or weakness of muscles
  3. 3. Process of separating nitrogenous waste materials from the blood
  4. 4. Process of cutting into
  5. 5. A malignant tumor of connective or other non-epithelial tissue
  6. 8. Diminished sensation to pain
  7. 9. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
  8. 10. Urine condition
  9. 12. The study of life
  10. 15. Difficulty in swallowing
  11. 17. Weakened area in the vessel wall that balloons and may eventually burst
  12. 19. Needle puncture of the amniotic sac to withdraw amniotic fluid for analysis
  13. 21. Pertaining to the margin of the cerebellum and pons
  14. 22. Artificial opening from the colon through the abdominal wall
  15. 26. Associated with urethritis and infection of the lower urinary tract
  16. 27. Incision into the trachea to open it below a blockage
  17. 31. Toxic state that results when nitrogenous waste accumulates abnormally in the blood
  18. 32. Study of the heart
  19. 33. State of complete knowledge
  20. 36. To hold back blood from a part of the body or tissue