- 1. (small- starts with a “u”)
- 2. (written record
- 3. (excessive flow)
- 4. (rupture)
- 5. (specialist)
- 6. (tissue)
- 7. (pertaining to starts with an “a”)
- 9. (small- starts with an “i”)
- 10. (condition, procedure)
- 11. (pertaining to starts with an “i”)
- 12. is (inflammation)
- 13. (drooping)
- 1. (tumor
- 2. (specializes in the study)
- 4. (medical science)
- 5. (pertaining to starts with an “o”)
- 6. (pain)
- 8. (study of)
- 10. (puncture)
- 12. (instrument used to look)