Medical Terminology Lab5

  1. 3. IMP
  2. 6. At the center of function for the cardiovascular system
  3. 10. An artery has a weakened wall, causing it to swell, like a balloon
  4. 13. contrast is injected into blood vessels to diagnose things like narrowing or aneurysms
  5. 14. -infarction, commonly referred to as a heart attack
  6. 15. The middle muscular layer that contracts to pump blood
  7. 16. CV
  8. 17. The wall between the right and left ventricles
  9. 18. The wall between the right and left atria
  10. 19. IV
  11. 20. K
  12. 23. Prefix meaning over or excessive
  1. 1. Prefix meaning under or insufficient
  2. 2. The outer layer of the heart wall
  3. 4. Condition in which the pericardial sac around the heart is inflamed
  4. 5. Root word meaning blood
  5. 7. The thin inner layer that lines each chamber of the heart wall
  6. 8. -veins, swollen and dilated veins
  7. 9. Root word meaning heart
  8. 11. uses ultrasound to look at the heart and its vessels
  9. 12. Root word meaning vessel
  10. 21. Cardiac- the complete stopping of the heart
  11. 22. Na