Medical Terminology - Lesson 5

  1. 1. a condition of clotting in the portal vein
  2. 3. situated near the ear
  3. 6. preventing or relieving nausea and vomiting
  4. 8. surgical fixation of the kidney
  5. 9. a spot or blotch
  6. 11. scaly or platelike
  7. 13. a condition of fungus infection of the extremities
  8. 16. surgical puncture of a joint
  9. 19. pertaining to an internal organ, especially those in the abdomen
  10. 20. resembling a wedge
  11. 21. formed or constructed like a small sac or bladder
  12. 22. pertaining to bile, bile ducts and gallbladder
  13. 23. pertaining to milk
  14. 24. pertaining to tears
  1. 2. surgical removal of the nail or nail bed
  2. 4. inflammation of the bone and the bone marrow
  3. 5. inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
  4. 7. a collection of blood in the lung cavity
  5. 10. surgical puncture of the ovary
  6. 12. the area around the mouth
  7. 14. great toe
  8. 15. partially "cut out"
  9. 17. situated or occurring under the skin
  10. 18. the study of tumors
  11. 20. resembling a spiral or coil