Medical Terminology Review

  1. 6. white blood cell
  2. 8. excessive development
  3. 10. the cavity inside the skull/cranium containing the brain
  4. 14. resembling fat
  5. 15. group of similar cells that performs a specific function
  6. 16. tumor composed of striated muscle
  7. 18. cancerous black tumor
  8. 20. the system composed of skin, nails, and glands. Forms a protective covering for the body, regulates temperature, and helps manufacture Vitamin D
  9. 21. pertaining to the liver
  1. 1. tumor composed of muscle
  2. 2. having a fever
  3. 3. disease of the muscle
  4. 4. condition of cell death
  5. 5. tumor composed of fiber (fibrous tissue)
  6. 7. physician who studies diseases
  7. 9. study of cancer
  8. 11. large internal organ contained in the body cavity, especially in the abdominal cavity
  9. 12. pertaining to disease of unknown origin
  10. 13. not malignant, nonrecurrent, favorable for recovery
  11. 17. beyond control
  12. 19. inflammation of a joint