Medical Terminology Unit 1

  1. 2. Marked by cyanosis
  2. 3. Pertaining to serum
  3. 4. Membrane surrounding the heart
  4. 8. Science of form and structure of particular organism
  5. 12. Left
  6. 13. Mucous membrane
  7. 17. Paralysis of the limbs
  8. 20. Relating to median plane and one side
  9. 21. Decrease in amount of oxygen delivered to extremities
  10. 22. Nearest to a point of reference
  11. 23. Physician who specializes in dermatology
  12. 24. Right
  13. 27. Front to back
  14. 30. Farther from the midline of the body
  15. 31. Enlargement of the stomach
  16. 33. Science of form and structure of living organisms
  1. 1. Technique for counting cells
  2. 2. Abnormal enlargement of heart
  3. 5. Enlargement of limbs due to thickening of bones and soft tissues
  4. 6. Appendages or accessory organs
  5. 7. Situated on the side and toward the posterior aspect
  6. 9. Blue skin
  7. 10. Farther from the point of origin
  8. 11. A non-inflammatory disorder of the skin
  9. 14. Science that treats functions of living organisms
  10. 15. Any disease of the skin
  11. 16. Pertaining to walls of an organ or cavity
  12. 18. Both ventral and dorsal
  13. 19. Chronic inflammation of skin of extremities
  14. 22. Serous membrane pertaining to lungs
  15. 23. Toward the back of the head
  16. 25. Both head and tail; long axis of the body
  17. 26. Pertaining to a viscus
  18. 28. On the outside
  19. 29. Study of cells
  20. 32. Science of dealing with causes of disease