- 3. type of microorganism
- 6. bone in the finger or toe
- 8. lack of blood
- 10. study of function in a living organism
- 12. practitioner of medicine
- 14. having many forms
- 16. inability to sleep
- 17. loss of intellectual function
- 18. blockage in a vessel
- 19. first
- 21. care and treatment of children
- 23. temperature
- 25. cancer of white blood cells
- 1. made up of two parts
- 2. kneecap
- 4. pertaining to the skin
- 5. vein
- 7. loss of sensation
- 9. resembling of mucus
- 11. having a blood clot in a vessel
- 13. unfounded fear
- 15. pertaining to the heart
- 20. study of the nervous system
- 22. thin fluid
- 24. central opening