Medical Terminology

  1. 2. fluid of the lymphatic system
  2. 4. radiographic imaging of a vein
  3. 7. using x-rays to examine joints
  4. 9. the process by which food is broken down into smaller particles and mixed with saliva in the mouth
  5. 10. premature end to a pregnancy
  6. 13. baldness
  7. 14. overactive thyroid gland
  8. 16. singular form of ganglion
  9. 19. allergy causing substance
  10. 20. viewing tube
  11. 22. space within the arteries through which the blood flows
  12. 23. cell involved with clotting the blood
  13. 25. section of the intestine that is eight feet long
  14. 27. inflammation of the lining of the mouth
  15. 28. upper arm bone
  16. 29. backflow of stomach acid
  1. 1. long term
  2. 3. bone
  3. 5. resting state
  4. 6. combining form for kidney
  5. 8. combining form for air
  6. 11. suturing of a severed nerve
  7. 12. corneal transplants
  8. 14. Addison's disease
  9. 15. inflammation of the pancreas
  10. 17. instrument for measuring hearing
  11. 18. indigestion
  12. 21. combining form for wax
  13. 24. surgical opening in the colon
  14. 26. both sides of the body