Medical Terminology

  1. 1. membrane that covers and supports muscle
  2. 4. magnitude of a single force for which the anatomical structure of interest is damaged
  3. 6. tissue that contracts and relaxes to make movement
  4. 7. strong tissue that connects muscle to bone
  5. 8. incomplete or Partial Displacement of a joint
  6. 11. Displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint
  7. 12. characterized by a slow, insidious onset, implying a gradual development of structural damage.
  8. 13. strong tissue that connects bone to bone
  9. 15. requires medical attention by a team AT or physician. Results in restriction of athlete’s participation for one or more days after the injury
  10. 16. complete displacement of a joint
  11. 19. encloses ends of bone in diathrodial joint
  1. 2. "bruise"
  2. 3. stretching or tearing of muscles and tendons– MTJ
  3. 5. injuries that involve damage to the brain and/or spinal cord. can be life threatening or cause permanent damage.
  4. 9. stretching or tearing of ligaments or joint capsules
  5. 10. growth region of a bone
  6. 14. characterized by rapid onset, resulting from a traumatic event
  7. 17. gristle-like padding that lies on or between bones
  8. 18. small fluid filled sacs
  9. 20. The majority of today’s definitions use “time lost” criteria as the major determinant.