Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Difficult breathing
  2. 4. Inflammation of the joints
  3. 6. Localized protective response to injury
  4. 7. Artificial opening into colon through abdomen
  5. 9. Scanty urine
  6. 11. Within the vein
  7. 14. Invasion of pathogens in body tissue
  8. 15. Vomit
  9. 16. Puffy swelling of tissue from the accumulation of fluid
  10. 18. Paleness
  11. 19. State of complete knowledge
  1. 1. Pertaining to the front
  2. 3. Cancerous tumor
  3. 5. Redness
  4. 6. Inability to control the bladder or bowels
  5. 8. Pertaining to the back
  6. 10. Absence of breathing
  7. 12. Night urination
  8. 13. Pertaining to both sides
  9. 17. Erosion of the skin or mucous membrane