Medical Terminology

  1. 3. Bending of a part
  2. 5. Sensory lobe
  3. 7. Which nervous system involves voluntary movement?
  4. 11. Lobe which controls vision
  5. 14. Meaning of adduction
  6. 15. The study of blood
  7. 16. Midbrain and hindbrain make up the
  8. 20. Planting of the foot
  9. 23. Central nervous system is made up of the spinal cord and
  10. 24. Follows the root word
  11. 25. Motor control of which brain lobe
  1. 1. Nerve that innervates the quadriceps femoris muscle
  2. 2. Precedes the root word
  3. 4. Division of body into left and right planes
  4. 6. Dorsal ramus controls the
  5. 8. of front and back planes
  6. 9. 3 different structural types of neurons include multipolar, unipolar and
  7. 10. 4 types of tissue; Connective, Nervous, Epithelial and
  8. 12. Means branch
  9. 13. Temporal lobe controls
  10. 17. Straightening of a part
  11. 18. Division of superior and inferior planes
  12. 19. Protected by the vertebrae
  13. 21. To shorten a medical term
  14. 22. Meaning front