- 2. basic element of the human body
- 6. impaired digestion
- 10. condition of stones in gallbladder
- 11. surgical opening in the colon
- 16. excess urea in the blood
- 17. vomiting of blood
- 18. gradual softening of bone
- 19. a cancer causing agent
- 20. formation and development of disease
- 23. chronic skin condition
- 1. skin eruption cause by a mite
- 3. removal of living sample of tissue to view
- 4. devise for measuring cornea curvature
- 5. Abnormal sensation
- 7. decrease in movement
- 8. obsession with one idea
- 9. intentional breaking of a bone
- 12. toward the head
- 13. resembling a heart
- 14. surgical repair of the nose
- 15. instrument for viewing small objects
- 21. pus in the urine
- 22. instrument for cutting bone