Medical terms B1

  1. 2. membrane lines the capsule and secretes synovial fluid
  2. 5. lines the capsule and secretes synovial fluid
  3. 6. a fibrous sac that acts as a cushion to ease movement in areas that are subject to friction
  4. 9. spinal cord, bone marrow
  5. 10. bent, hump
  6. 11. curve, swayback, bent
  7. 15. abnormal softening of cartilage
  1. 1. the loss, or absence, of mobility in a joint due to disease, injury, or a surgical procedure
  2. 3. "wear and tear arthritis" degenerative joint disease commonly associated with aging
  3. 4. specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the bones, joints and muscles
  4. 7. stiffness; bent, crooked
  5. 8. the visual examination of the internal structure of a joint
  6. 12. joint-lubricating fluid secreted by the synovial membrane
  7. 13. rib
  8. 14. the smooth, rubbery, blue-white connective tissue that acts as a shock absorber between bones