Medical Virology Fundamentals crossword

  1. 1. ________ transcriptase must occur before PCR in order to detect the presence of RNA viruses in clinical samples
  2. 7. are created when virally-infected host cells fuse together to create giant multinucleated cells
  3. 9. the name of the spikes on enveloped viruses that are responsible for recognizing and binding to specific host receptors
  4. 11. the protein that makes up this component of enveloped viruses is just under the surface of the envelope and helps with stability
  5. 14. _____ sense RNA viruses have to create mRNA before it can be translated
  6. 17. a laboratory diagnostic technique that can be used to detect the nucleocapsid antigen of Influenza virus in respiratory secretions
  7. 18. the cell receptor for Influenza virus
  8. 20. the cellular compartment where the majority of DNA viruses replicate
  9. 22. the name of the spike that Influenza virus uses to bind to respiratory cells
  10. 23. the process by which most enveloped viruses are released from the host cell
  11. 25. this is always the first step in initiating infection
  12. 26. the shape of these viral coats means they must always be enveloped to be infection
  1. 2. the period during initial viral infection of a host cell where early enzymes and the genome are being made, where intracellular virus is present but no extracellular virus
  2. 3. some viruses have an RNA genome that consists of more than 1 linear piece. This is called a ____________ genome
  3. 4. the term for when the envelope and/or capsid degrades inside a host cell and releases the nucleic acid
  4. 5. the suffix for a viral family
  5. 6. when a patient goes from antibody negative for a microbe to antibody positive for the same microbe
  6. 8. the name for the individual protein components that makes the coat around viruses
  7. 10. how most icosahedral non-enveloped viruses leave the host cell
  8. 12. the name for the protein coat that must surround all viral genetic material
  9. 13. the majority of viral DNA viruses only contain 1 copy of their genetic material, which makes them __________
  10. 15. the number of this Baltimore Classification are for single-stranded (negative-sense) RNA viruses
  11. 16. the shape of these viral coast is very symmetrical and they can look like soccer balls
  12. 19. _________ effect is the term for host cell changes in appearance due to some viral infections and can be diagnostic
  13. 21. the period where viral particles are being assembled but haven’t been released from the host cell yet
  14. 24. the first immunoglobulin made in a new infection