
  1. 2. your child will be referred here
  2. 6. they will remove your tonsils
  3. 9. go here for a colorectal issue
  4. 10. you would be referred here for a hip replacement
  5. 11. specialises in issues specific to women
  6. 12. department that will help with your waterworks
  7. 13. I have metabolism and thyroid issues
  8. 15. go here if you have kidney problems
  1. 1. you would be referred here with an heart condition
  2. 3. I've got terrible aches and pains in my joints
  3. 4. see you here with an eye problem
  4. 5. coughs,lungs,breathing etc etc
  5. 7. can you help with a hearing test
  6. 8. head here for severe headaches and migraines
  7. 14. I've got a skin rash, can you help?