
  1. 2. CMS rules for hospitals
  2. 5. Required LOS for SNF coverage
  3. 8. Can be advantageous for some
  4. 10. Used to be called HCFA
  5. 12. Criteria for medfical neceeaity
  6. 13. responsible to insure quality
  7. 14. Has a catatrophic cap
  8. 16. Medical Insurance
  1. 1. Within 90 days of turning 65
  2. 3. eligible at any age
  3. 4. Administers CMS regulations
  4. 6. Information on patient appeal rights
  5. 7. Maximum lentgth for Observation Services
  6. 8. Hospital insurance
  7. 9. Social insurance
  8. 11. Private supplemental insurance
  9. 15. 20% cost share