Medication Safety

  1. 2. Institute for Safe Medication Practices (abbreviation)
  2. 4. This medication should be standardized to one concentration and boldly labeled
  3. 7. One of the ISMP 2022-2023 new best practices is to _________ barcode scanning beyond inpatient areas
  4. 8. Class of medication that is the most common cause of adverse drug events in children and adolescents
  5. 9. This medication is on ISMP's high-alert medication list with special emphasis placed on the ultra-concentrated form
  6. 10. These types of medications should be the only ones available to remove from an automated dispensing cabinet on override
  7. 11. This class of medications should be segregated from other medications and is on the high-alert list
  8. 12. This class of medication is a common cause of adverse drug events in emergency departments, is on the high-alert list, and reversal agents should always be available
  1. 1. Vincristine and other vinka alkaloids should be dispensed in this type of container
  2. 3. ISMP recommends removal of the injectable version of this medication from hospital formularies due to serious tissue injuries and amputations from intrathecal administration
  3. 5. This medication is on ISMP's high-alert list and it is recommended to require a hard-stop for daily orders of this medication
  4. 6. 3.5 _______ dollars is spent on adverse drug events annually