- 2. A type of skills needed to be able to say no to drugs.
- 3. Heroin is one and it causes the body to slow down.
- 5. When shared with others, can spread HIV/AIDS.
- 9. Combining cocaine with heroin.
- 10. Occurs when too much of a medication/drug is in your body.
- 13. The chemical the brain releases when something pleasurable is experienced.
- 14. Made in abandoned houses and barns. Smells terrible.
- 15. Inhalants are often called this because of how they are used.
- 16. A nickname of cocaine.
- 1. Legal in some states, never before 21 years old.
- 3. A common way to say, "that's cool" but has ties to drug use.
- 4. A 50-100 times stronger than morphine & deadly.
- 6. Stands for lysergic acid and causes hallucinations.
- 7. When you need to have a substance or your have negative withdrawal symptoms.
- 8. A pain reliever that is prescribed by doctors.
- 11. Club drug that makes a person forget everything.
- 12. A common slang term for marijuana.