
  1. 1. a system of organs through which food passes
  2. 4. a pot used for relieving oneself when a person is not able to go to a bathroom
  3. 5. small sacs in the lungs at the endpoints of the respiratory system
  4. 6. biological substance that is potentially harmful to humans
  5. 11. hospital department that specializes in the treatment of the skin and skin diseases
  6. 13. the system responsible for carrying bloodand oxygen throughout the body
  7. 14. positive identification of a patient's disease or ailment
  8. 15. any of a great number of single-celled micro-organisms
  9. 19. small organ which is part of the digestive system, becomes irritated and inflamed
  10. 21. it is used to kill or slow the growth of bacterial micro-organisms in the body
  11. 22. hospital department where people with very serious or life-threatening injuries are treated
  12. 24. chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath
  13. 25. strip of material used to protect an injury
  1. 2. muscular tube connecting the mouth at the pharynx to the cardiac end of the stomach
  2. 3. doctor who ensures that patients are unconscious or do not feel pain during surgery
  3. 7. something used to clean surfaces by killing bacteria and other microorganisms
  4. 8. progressive respiratory disease that causes shortness of breath and involves damage to lung tissues
  5. 9. a doctor who takes care of patients with heart problems
  6. 10. medical procedure which examines the inside of the colon
  7. 12. correct amount of medicine to give to a person at one time
  8. 16. the largest artery in the body
  9. 17. part of the body that contains the digestive organs and is between the groin and the waist
  10. 18. blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  11. 20. the smallest kind of blood vessel in the body
  12. 23. to breathe out or expel air from the lungs