Medicine and Drugs

  1. 4. example of a depressant
  2. 5. substance similar to testosterone
  3. 7. that speeds up the CNS
  4. 8. of a tranquilizer
  5. 10. only obtainable by prescription
  6. 12. example of a stimulant
  7. 13. diseases
  8. 16. pain reliever
  9. 17. dependence-When someone thinks they need drugs to feel good
  10. 18. is used to treat diabetes
  11. 19. example of a hallucinogen
  1. 1. example of narcotics
  2. 2. consequence of steroid use
  3. 3. dependence-When you have a need for a chemical drug
  4. 6. affect is to enduce sleep
  5. 9. nose-a symptom of allergies
  6. 11. negative effect of cocaine
  7. 13. you have a physiological and psychological dependence for a drug
  8. 14. the body needs more and more of a substance
  9. 15. drug that slows down the CNS