- 3. what was painted on people's doors during the great plague?
- 4. name of plague in 1348
- 6. ancient greek doctor who came up with the four humours
- 9. surname of the man who came up with the idea of blood circulation
- 11. place in the middle ages were old/poor people would go for care
- 12. a method of preventing illness
- 13. who controlled education?
- 14. name of plague in 1665
- 17. surname of the man who came up with the idea of human anatomy
- 1. medically trained people who the rich would go and see
- 2. one of the most important inventions in 1440
- 4. a treatment to balance the four humours to get rid of blood
- 5. another name of 'bad air'
- 7. surname of the English doctor who believed in observing his patients illness in order to diagnose them
- 8. a technique used on humans and animals in the renaissance period in order to discover human anatomy and blood circluation
- 10. ancient doctor who worked in Ancient Rome who came up with the theory of opposites
- 12. another treatment to balance the four humours to get rid of bile
- 15. scientific group who experimented with new ideas
- 16. most remedies included these