medicines and abbreviations

  1. 2. can treat seizures and nerve pain
  2. 8. coreg, beta blocker for heart failure and HBP
  3. 9. sedative that can treat anxiety and panic disorders
  4. 12. antihistamine & antacid that can treat GERD, stomach ulcers, and heartburn
  5. 14. crestor, helps HLD
  6. 16. an SSNRI that can help with depression, anxiety, nerve/bone/muscle pain, and tingling/numbness caused by diabetes
  7. 21. tenormin, beta blocker for HBP and angina
  8. 24. treats adhd
  9. 25. helps control seizures, panic attacks, and anxiety
  10. 27. ace-inhibitor that helps with HBP and prevents heart failure
  11. 28. a steroid that reduces inflammation and can help with asthma and allergies
  12. 29. lowers HBP by relaxing the blood vessels
  13. 30. every morning
  14. 32. pain relief for arthritis
  15. 34. three times a day
  16. 36. blood thinner that can prevent stroke, heart attacks, etc.
  17. 37. zocor, treats HLD
  1. 1. proton-pump inhibitor that aids with GERD, too much stomach acid, and damaged esophagus
  2. 3. lipitor, helps HLD
  3. 4. treats pain and stiffness caused by muscle spasms
  4. 5. pravachol, treats HLD
  5. 6. a diuretic that helps with HBP and reducing edema
  6. 7. an SNRI used to treat GAD, depression, panic disorder and social anxiety disorder
  7. 10. four times a day
  8. 11. treats ocd, depression, panic attacks, ED
  9. 13. every day
  10. 15. alpha blocker treatment for enlarged prostate and difficulty urinating in men
  11. 17. SSRI that treats anxiety and depression
  12. 18. a strong diuretic that can treat edema caused by CHF, liver or kidney disease
  13. 19. an antihypertensive that can treat HBP, reduce risk of stroke, and treat kidney disease in pts with diabetes
  14. 20. SSRI for depression
  15. 22. lopressor, beta blocker for HBP and angina
  16. 23. at bedtime
  17. 26. twice a day
  18. 28. as needed
  19. 31. before breakfast
  20. 33. an anti-inflammatory that helps prevent asthma attacks
  21. 35. sedative and hypnotic for insomnia