Medieval Europe

  1. 3. any member of a class of persons who till the soil as small landowners or as agricultural labourers.
  2. 6. political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person.
  3. 7. a person destitute of means except such as are derived from charity specifically : one who receives aid from funds designated for the poor paupers on welfare.
  4. 8. city having sovereignty over contiguous territory and serving as a centre and leader of political, economic, and cultural life
  5. 11. Court court through which a lord exercised jurisdiction over his tenants. ... Tenants were punished and often forced to pay fines for their offenses; the
  6. 13. a group of studies consisting of grammar, rhetoric, and logic and forming the lower division of the seven liberal arts in medieval universities
  7. 16. thus provided the lord with a convenient source of income.
  8. 19. an institutionalized religious practice or movement whose members attempt to live by a rule that requires works that go beyond those of either the laity or the ordinary spiritual leaders of their religions
  9. 20. the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.
  1. 1. a vassal's source of income, held from his lord in exchange for services. ...normally consisted of land to which a number of unfree peasants were attached and was supposed to be sufficient to support the vassal and to secure his knight service for the lord
  2. 2. political, economic, and social system by which the peasants of medieval Europe were rendered dependent on their land and on their lord.
  3. 4. the sovereign or supreme male monarch of an empire.
  4. 5. one invested with a fief in return for services to an overlord
  5. 9. a class intermediate between the gentry and the labourers; a yeoman was usually a landholder but could also be a retainer, guard, attendant, or subordinate official.
  6. 10. a person who served his lord as a mounted and heavily armed soldier. (later) a gentleman invested by a king or other lord with the military and social standing of this rank.
  7. 12. a supreme ruler, sovereign over a nation or a territory, of higher rank than any other secular ruler except an emperor
  8. 14. A person who controlled land and could grant estates to vassals.
  9. 15. an association of craftsmen or merchants formed for mutual aid and protection and for the furtherance of their professional interests
  10. 17. means “submission to the will of God.” Followers are called Muslims.
  11. 18. the bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church.