Medieval Europe Vocabulary

  1. 4. a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from Muslims
  2. 8. informal and varying code of conduct
  3. 9. a series of religious wars supported by the Latin church
  4. 11. religious ceremony representing changes a person is making inwardly
  5. 12. a powerful office set up within the catholic church to punish heresy throughout Europe and America
  6. 14. a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague
  7. 15. a system of agricultural estates in the middle ages
  1. 1. a young person who learned a trade by working for a guild master
  2. 2. a series of wars between the kingdoms of England and France during the late middle ages
  3. 3. one of the most important documents
  4. 5. a person is excluded from a communion of believers
  5. 6. craftsmen and merchants formed to promote economic interests
  6. 7. a tenant farmer bound to the will of their landlord and a hereditary plot of land
  7. 10. related to the middle ages
  8. 13. a person having a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch