Medieval History Revision Year 8

  1. 2. Usually a plot of land granted to a vassal by a lord in return for the vassal’s loyal support
  2. 3. A medieval peasant who worked on the manor of a feudal lord
  3. 8. Doing or saying something regarded by the medieval Catholic Church (and by some other faiths) as being in serious conflict with its teachings
  4. 9. letting The deliberate cutting of someone to cause bleeding; this medieval practice, often performed by barbers, was seen as a treatment and cure for illness
  5. 10. A system of mutual obligation used in the Middle Ages to organise politics, society and the economy
  6. 12. Someone who rules an empire/group of countries
  7. 14. A way of organising people or groups of things so that the most important is at the top, with the others ranked underneath in decreasing order of importance
  8. 15. A wealthy monarch or noble, under feudalism, one who exchanged fiefs for the sworn loyalty of vassals
  9. 16. Under feudalism, a person who offered his loyalty and service to a lord in return for his protection and the granting of a fief
  10. 17. A medieval warrior of Europe, who typically pledged his services to a lord (sometimes the king) in exchange for a fief
  11. 18. The blackened, swollen, pus-filled lymph nodes evident on the body of someone with the bubonic plague
  12. 20. source A piece of historical evidence that was created at the time being studied
  13. 21. Another name for Middle Ages
  14. 23. Land The territory in today’s Middle East now mostly made up of Israel and parts of Palestine
  15. 24. source A piece of historical evidence that was created after the time being studied
  16. 26. A term used to describe the spread of an infectious disease across an entire country, a large region, or even worldwide
  1. 1. A journey made by someone who travels to a place of religious significance in the hope this will see prayers answered or sins forgiven
  2. 4. In medieval times under the system known as feudalism, peasants were the lowest members of society; peasants were poor and had very few rights; they often lived on feudal manors working for feudal lords as farmers and labourers
  3. 5. A group of radical Christians during the Black Death who whipped themselves to gain God’s forgiveness for their sin
  4. 6. Deeply religious
  5. 7. A group of countries and/or areas, ruled by a central power or leader
  6. 11. A term first used by ancient Romans to describe someone living outside their borders; an uncivilised person
  7. 13. A type of government ruled by a king or queen
  8. 19. A pre-set view about someone or something that is not altered by the presentation of facts and opinions to the opposite
  9. 22. Death A deadly plague that spread across Asia, Europe and Africa during the fourteenth century
  10. 25. A series of wars fought by Christians and Muslims between 1096 and 1291 CE over control of the Holy Land