Medieval Music

  1. 1. Section of music reiterating a previous part
  2. 7. First name of the creator of Ars Nova Notandi
  3. 9. First significant composer of polyphony
  4. 13. The notation discussed in Vitry's treatise
  5. 14. New time signature introduced by Guillaume
  6. 15. Style of monophonic music in Gregorian Chants
  7. 17. Predecessor of the oboe
  8. 19. Technique applied in Carol of the Bells
  9. 20. First composer to apply ars nova
  10. 21. New rhythmic note resulting from ars nova
  11. 22. Passing a melodic line between voice parts
  12. 23. Name of the pope who created Gregorian Chant
  1. 1. Reigning religion at the time
  2. 2. Modern family of the hurdy gurdy
  3. 3. Type of organum composed of two voice parts
  4. 4. A higher countermelody than melody
  5. 5. Adjective for music with a single voice
  6. 6. Music consisting of various voices
  7. 8. String-plucking keyboard
  8. 10. String instrument struck by small hammers
  9. 11. Expanded organum
  10. 12. The symbol of the staff reading device
  11. 16. Significant and palatable number
  12. 18. Sacred music with Latin text
  13. 20. Created a mnemonic device for reading music