Medieval Words

  1. 3. the sacred rites of the church
  2. 5. a loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords
  3. 6. a group of men sworn to speak the truth in court
  4. 7. a holy war
  5. 10. a punishment in which people could not receive the sacraments or a Christian burial
  6. 13. wandering musicians
  7. 15. a mounted warrior
  8. 16. meaning "of the middle age"
  9. 17. a type of peasant who could only leave the manor when given permission
  1. 1. lesser lords who pledged service and loyalty to the greater lord
  2. 2. a contract that stated a powerful lord granted his vassal a fief and a lord protects his vassal and the vassal is loyal to the lord
  3. 4. mock battles that knights engaged in
  4. 5. an estate
  5. 8. a word meaning worldly
  6. 9. having authority over all secular rulers including kings and emperors
  7. 11. an order that excludes an entire town from the church
  8. 12. the lord's estate that contained one or more villages and the surrounding lands that peasants lived and worked on
  9. 14. a code of conduct that required knights to be brave, loyal, and true to their word