mega minecraft

  1. 5. mob that hates water
  2. 6. hardest mode in minecraft
  3. 8. mob with most hp
  4. 9. crossbow enchantment that fires 3 arrows
  5. 11. mob that shoots arrows
  6. 13. passive if you wear gold and you can trade with them
  7. 18. final boss in minecraft
  8. 19. a portal that gets you to the end
  9. 20. ward these off with warped fungus
  10. 23. creator of minecraft
  11. 25. sword enchantment that sets mobs on fire
  12. 27. infected hoglins
  1. 1. a mob that lives in the ocean
  2. 2. find elytra here
  3. 3. a person who pulls harmless pranks on players
  4. 4. a very rare blue ore
  5. 7. most powerful material in minecraft
  6. 10. the main melee weapon in minecraft
  7. 12. a special kind of chest obtained with obsidian and ender eyes
  8. 14. a kind of world that you can choose, but each one is different.
  9. 15. a ghost said to be haunting minecraft
  10. 16. the block the gives you netherite scrap, which you can make into netherite ingots.
  11. 17. the main ranged weapon in minecraft
  12. 21. shell lurker
  13. 22. walk on lava while riding this mob
  14. 24. knockback enchantment for bows
  15. 26. flying mob that comes out at night