Megan's Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 2. Thumb substitute
  2. 5. Gentle song sung to help a child to sleep
  3. 8. Brandon and Megan's baby's name
  4. 10. Traditional boy color
  5. 11. Automobile baby safety
  6. 12. Mealtime neck attire
  7. 13. Classic stuffed cuddly
  8. 14. Baby noise maker toy
  9. 16. Change them when soiled
  10. 17. Bawl
  1. 1. Used to take baby for a walk
  2. 3. Where baby sleeps
  3. 4. Baby's first footwear
  4. 6. Room in the house for the baby
  5. 7. Bathtime toy
  6. 9. Month Megan is due
  7. 10. Milk container
  8. 12. Noise made by gas from stomach
  9. 15. Another name for infant