Meghan and Matthew

  1. 3. Couple's dream honeymoon destination
  2. 5. Street name the couple lives on
  3. 6. Bride's favourite dessert
  4. 7. Couple's favourite holiday
  5. 9. Groom's favourite free time activity
  6. 11. Couple's favourite season
  7. 13. Bride's new last name
  8. 14. Their favourite winter activity
  9. 19. Name of couple's male cat
  10. 20. Couple's brand of car
  11. 21. Their favourite colour
  12. 22. Couple's total combined age
  1. 1. The couple was out ____ when the groom proposed
  2. 2. Month the couple first met
  3. 4. Wedding reception venue
  4. 8. First country the couple visited together
  5. 10. Name of couple's female cat
  6. 12. Couple's house number
  7. 13. Groom's favourite type of snack
  8. 15. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something _____
  9. 16. First place the couple ate together
  10. 17. How many different houses the couple have lived in together
  11. 18. Number of years the couple has been together