Meine Hochzeit

  1. 4. I hire the photographer
  2. 5. 200 invitations
  3. 7. separated
  4. 10. there were
  5. 12. very romantic
  6. 15. I prepare the wedding cake
  7. 21. a civil partnership
  8. 23. I buy the flowers
  9. 24. the wedding car
  1. 1. were happy
  2. 2. I choose the wedding dress
  3. 3. the speech takes place in the church
  4. 6. a waste of money
  5. 8. my parents are
  6. 9. is better
  7. 11. I get married
  8. 13. the fiancés
  9. 14. I invite the guests
  10. 16. the divorce was
  11. 17. marriage is
  12. 18. my wedding was
  13. 19. aus I choose the wedding rings
  14. 20. was old
  15. 22. very important