MEL Final Assessment

  1. 2. pay a set fee each month
  2. 3. a certain score or amount
  3. 8. the sum of positive and negative numbers
  4. 9. an approximate representation of the distribution of numerical data
  5. 10. amount of income and expenses
  6. 12. a representation of statistics on a chart,graph,or computer screen
  7. 13. alter (a number) to one less exact but more convenient for calculations
  8. 14. different proportions of a whole
  9. 15. managing personal money
  1. 1. a quantity which during a calculation is assumed to vary to be capable of varying in value
  2. 4. visual representation of information that changes overtime
  3. 5. forming an unbroken whole; without interruption
  4. 6. ingesting,storing,organizing and maintaining the data created and collected by an organization
  5. 7. coordinates towards a certain relation
  6. 11. the system of numerical notation
  7. 15. the chance of something happening