Member Note Guidelines

  1. 5. This member goes by a different name
  2. 9. This member has been Negative for >20 Days
  3. 12. This goes on loan accounts 30 30 days delinquent
  4. 13. This is needed before withdrawals or giving information
  5. 14. This member has free money orders
  6. 15. The government has requested a freeze on the account
  1. 1. This member had returned mail
  2. 2. This member reported their identification missing
  3. 3. Transactions should not be performed unless approved by collections
  4. 4. No call to collections necessary
  5. 5. Used to inform staff members of a potential loss to the CU
  6. 6. The member is no longer alive
  7. 7. This account cannot be accessed by the minor
  8. 8. This member is under 13
  9. 10. We can only deposit cash or payroll checks with no funds delay
  10. 11. This member is under 18