Memory, Ohhhhh, Memory!

  1. 2. auditory memory that lasts 4-5 seconds
  2. 4. cortex short term memory stored here
  3. 7. type of amnesia where new memories cannot be formed
  4. 8. visual memory that lasts about 1 second
  5. 10. procedural memory
  6. 12. autobiographical knowledge
  7. 13. amnesia caused by TBI,stroke,or other trauma to head
  8. 15. general factual knowledge is stored here
  9. 16. type of memory involving the five senses
  10. 17. emotional components of memory are stored here
  1. 1. also known as photographic memory
  2. 2. consolidation
  3. 3. type of memory where general, declared facts that all agree on
  4. 5. biologically based disease that can't be stopped but can be slowed down be
  5. 6. pulled from memory
  6. 9. storage of memories is in connections of these
  7. 11. declarative memory
  8. 14. loss of long term memory