Mendel's Laws of Inheritance

  1. 3. Eye Color
  2. 6. to conceal; to embed inside another
  3. 9. If 2 people with brown eyes have a child with blue eyes, the parents are:
  4. 12. Father of Modern Genetics
  5. 13. Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen
  6. 14. Can't roll tongue
  7. 15. Study of heredity and genes
  8. 16. Law of segregation; Law of Independent Assortment; Law of Dominance
  1. 1. Lex sēgregātus
  2. 2. separation of alleles during gamete production
  3. 4. Latin Derivative is same to join
  4. 5. Freckles
  5. 7. 23 Per Parent
  6. 8. One from father; one from mother
  7. 10. Contained in Chromosome
  8. 11. A-
  9. 13. Needed to form a zygote