Mendez Wedding 2024

  1. 4. What is their favorite activity to do together?
  2. 6. Where did they first meet?
  3. 7. Melanie's favorite book genre
  4. 10. How old is Melanie's son?
  5. 13. Francisco's favorite sports team
  6. 14. Francisco's favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
  7. 15. Dating anniversary month
  8. 18. Favorite holiday to celebrate together?
  9. 19. Melanie's middle name
  10. 20. Melanie's birth month
  1. 1. What is Francisco's middle name?
  2. 2. What city do they live in?
  3. 3. How many years has the couple been together?
  4. 5. Francisco's favorite brand of whiskey
  5. 8. Melanie and Francisco's favorite food
  6. 9. What is Melanie's favorite season?
  7. 11. Francisco's nickname
  8. 12. How many siblings does Francisco have?
  9. 16. Melanie's favorite flower
  10. 17. Location of proposal