  1. 3. report higher participation rates in aerobics and exercise classes
  2. 4. incorporates gymnastic movements as well as aerobic movements
  3. 5. incorporates rhythmic movements and may involve more stretching
  4. 7. these should be avoided to be courteous to other participants
  5. 8. means dependent on the presence of oxygen
  6. 10. minimum number of minutes of physical activity needed to employ the aerobic energy system
  7. 11. type of aerobics that involves slow rhythmic movements
  8. 12. type of aerobics that reduces stress on joints
  9. 13. color of Lady Gaga's "aerobics" outfit
  10. 14. physical therapist who developed aerobics
  1. 1. incorporates vertical movements into the workout
  2. 2. name of featured aerobics instructor
  3. 4. requires being conscious of one's body and giving everyone their space
  4. 6. number of aerobic types
  5. 9. doctor and exercise physiologist who developed aerobics