Mental Disorders

  1. 2. the quality of being thankful
  2. 5. Eating disorder characterized by overeating
  3. 6. a speech defect in which s is pronounced like th in thick and z is pronounced like th in this.
  4. 9. Developmental deformity characterized by poor social communication skills
  5. 11. a memory error consisting of the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world
  6. 14. the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them reality
  7. 16. Type of delusion- that one is being mistreated, abused or harassed
  1. 1. Part of the brain which is the major processing centre for emotions, having more active response in females
  2. 3. An intense fear
  3. 4. Repeating an act over and over again
  4. 7. Failure to recover after experiencing pr witnessing a terrifying event
  5. 8. intense and sudden feeling of fear, anxiety or dread
  6. 10. Type of delusion- exaggerated belief about ones importance, wealth, power or balance
  7. 12. hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something
  8. 13. Vague uneasy feeling in response to stress
  9. 15. Reliving a trauma in thoughts during the day and in nightmares during sleep