Mental Disorders

  1. 3. - conscious strategy used to reduce unpleasant emotion and overcome struggles and difficulty
  2. 4. - disorder in difficulty recovery caused by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event
  3. 6. - eating disorder caused by binge eating then followed by purging
  4. 8. - extreme or irrational fear
  5. 11. - condition affecting mood or thinking
  6. 13. - disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel, and behave clearly
  7. 14. - eating disorder caused by fear of weight gain and characterized by distorted body image
  1. 1. - eating large amounts of food in a short amount of time
  2. 2. - excessive thoughts and obsession that lead to repetitive behavior
  3. 4. - thinking and feeling like your mind is being threatened including mistrust of other people or their actions
  4. 5. - constant feeling of sadness and loss of interests that stops you from doing daily activities
  5. 7. - disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive low to manic high
  6. 9. - feeling of worry or nervousness
  7. 10. - impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interfere with doing daily activity
  8. 12. - a physical or mental feature which is indicating a condition or disease