mental disorders

  1. 3. - being mentally or physically fatigue
  2. 5. -quality or characteristic belonging to someone
  3. 7. - an irresistible urge to do something
  4. 9. -genes passed on by DNA from your parents
  5. 10. - an expert at defining emotions, and thoughts
  6. 12. - a disorder for a lack of interest/happiness
  7. 13. - characteristics or traits that define someone
  8. 14. -flight in the face of danger
  1. 1. -a hormone that comes in a time of stress
  2. 2. -something that disrupts your natural function
  3. 4. - a deep and disturbing incident
  4. 6. - when someone feels worried, tense or afraid
  5. 8. - a disorder that makes reality an abnormality
  6. 10. - an extreme fear of something
  7. 11. - thinking of a person or thing too much