- 6. a mental health promblem that affects a persons emotional state
- 7. getting a mental issues from gentics
- 8. focuses on peace for mind and body
- 10. a ability to change nerural networks in the brain
- 11. cortex a funtion in the brain that controls social/emotion
- 13. to understand and feel what another one is thhinking
- 14. dealing of strong emotions
- 16. a biological agent or ect, that causes stress
- 17. a social or physcial surroundings that imapact someone
- 1. a bad feeling you get when your around others
- 2. know as a spritual exercise
- 3. taking negtive energy and puting on another person who did nothing
- 4. a mental illness that impacts you in a early stage
- 5. a group of conditions characterized by brian funtions
- 9. damage to the brain from lack of blood
- 12. a feeling of emotional tention
- 15. gets mental issues from the things around you