Mental Health

  1. 2. Impaired comprehension with fluent speech
  2. 6. When assessing if the client is talkative or silent, the nurse is assessing?
  3. 8. "Do you think people are talking about you?"
  4. 9. Disorder of language
  5. 10. flat labile or blunted
  6. 11. based on impulse wish fulfillment disordered thought content
  7. 13. Leading contributing factor to disability
  8. 14. When should the nurse assess mental status?
  9. 17. Can be assessed by using similarities or proverbs
  10. 18. "Do you have thoughts or pictures in your head that will not go away?"
  11. 19. "I write with a den" words are malformed
  12. 20. Exposure to a traumatic event that threatens client with or serious injury
  1. 1. Defective articulation
  2. 3. "Are you extremely afraid of anything?"
  3. 4. First sign of a client deteriorating neurologic system?
  4. 5. Determined by asking client questions about time situation place and person
  5. 7. Preserved comprehension and slow nonfluent speech
  6. 12. Impaired volume quality or pitch of voice
  7. 15. Overall observation and screening of a client's behavior and cognitive function
  8. 16. "What you write with" instead of saying pen